Angel of Death

I will nibble on your brains...

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2003-06-07 - 7:16 p.m.

A happy moment to remember when I'm feeling blue.

Ann, I'm sorry, I tried, but I can't write about love. Something *that* good is not for just any stranger who happens to read this, and I couldn't answer the questions fully without saying too much. My deep happinesses and unhappinesses must remain private.

I will say that ONE of the happiest days of my life was coming back from spending a month in England two years (or so) ago. Bob had arranged for me to fly first-class for the last leg of my homeward trip (Charlotte, NC to Baltimore, MD), so I was at the airport in London, feeling: Happy about going first class at least for a bit of the trip, happy about seeing Bob again (after a whole month apart!), pissed at my brother for telling me I didn't deserve to fly first class (do NOT get me started), and starting to get annoyed at the attendant behind the airline counter who had adjusted my ticket, but was smirking the whole time (I thought it was because I was wearing a very gothic outfit - black see-through spiderweb bodysuit with black bra, satin mini skirt, thigh-high boots and a long coat).

(Yes, I was not dressed in any way, shape, or form for an emergency, but I was going to look good if I had to die.)

So I did the long leg of the flight, I get off and go through customs (which always takes a while), and then they asked to search my bags. SO, I was pissed about that, pissed that I had to lug two incredibly heavy suitcases around, Pissed at the crowds around me, and very ready for a drink in the airport bar. I check my bags again, and stomp off to the escalator.

I'm riding up, staring furiously at nothing, and this voice behind me says: "Hey - has anyone ever told you you look just like Betty Page?" I turn around, and it's Bob. Bob has flown all the way down to Charlotte just to meet me a couple of hours sooner (I had walked right by him without seeing him. He said it made the surprise better, so he didn't mind). I just collapsed into his arms and started crying with joy. I have the best husband in the WORLD.

(The flight agent at the counter in London was in on it - apparently, there was a note with my ticket change that said he was coming down, and "don't tell his wife". *That's* why she was smirking.)

And *that* was one of the happiest moments of my life.

Dorsal - Ventral

Funnier than me: James Lileks


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