Angel of Death

I will nibble on your brains...

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2003-09-23 - 8:06 a.m.

Apocalypse Damp

"Dozens of communities were declared disaster areas after the President's visit today" - Channel 4 News

Wow, that George W. Leaving a trail of destruction wherever he goes, according to the news. Ashcroft must be just writhing with envy.


I hit a *lake* driving down Rte. 29 this morning - suddenly everyone slowed to a crawl (and the person immediately to my right cut me off without using his turn signal) to get through the water, where policemen were setting up barriers around the deepest part in the middle lane. I wondered whether I would make it through the impromptu waterworks without stalling; the miata doesn't have much ground clearance.

(They should post "no wake" signs. I got splashed to zero visibility by the person in front of me.)

The radio said "take care driving to work - it's like a giant log flume ride out there".

Nothing like a little danger to spice up your morning commute, eh?


Bob was supremely nice last night and let me watch "Carnivale" instead of "Vegas", and if you haven't seen it yet, "Carnivale" is really kind of cool. It seems like it would be all pretentious and arty, but it's really quite absorbing and dreamy. James Lileks' Tuesday 'Bleat' column likened it to "Twin Peaks" in its approach, and said that even though he was prepared (even looked forward) to hate it, he couldn't.

So. Watch it. If you like being absorbed into something without everything being fully explained each episode, you'll like it.

On the other hand, if you hate that kind of stuff, you might like "Vegas". We watched the last half hour of it, and it was pretty fun, but I think I'd get tired of it fairly quickly.

But then, I get tired of most shows pretty quickly. I'm an amazingly fickle television watcher - the only things I keep watching are "West Wing", "Law and Order: Criminal Intent", and "South Park". Everything else just gets boring, or the plot lines get stupid.

Take "ER", for instance. I used to love that show, would watch it every week. Then one day I realized that all the people in it had amazingly f***ed-up lives, and if I wanted to be depressed watching characters I had come to loathe for their whinging and complete inability to take control of their lives, I could just go to SCA events.

(Just kidding.)

(Sort of.)

I like stuff that challenges me; it doesn't have to be funny, but it does have to be satisfying. I want to identify with characters - good or bad - and care about what happens to them.

(None of this explains why I currently love watching "Reno 911", but that's low-brow humour at its finest. However, I draw the line at "Crank Yankers". That s***'s just not funny.)

Most reality shows don't do it for me, either. I *have* neighbours that annoy me, I don't need to watch them on TV, too.


I hope the rain works itself out before the weekend. Maybe I'll stop being cranky.


Dorsal - Ventral

Funnier than me: James Lileks


all words copyright Laura Mellin 2000-2005!

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