Angel of Death

I will nibble on your brains...

New Old Guestbook Web Site Profile

Keeping the dream alive for one more entry - 2008-05-20
it still lives... barely. - 2007-02-21
Moved - 2006-11-22
*beep* the AoD is no longer at this number, but will still be receiving messages for a bit... - 2006-11-08
Vote for the one you hate the least - 2006-11-07
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2005-01-05 - 8:29 a.m.

I still exist!

Well, guess who almost ran over a deer this morning.

(Okay, okay, technically, I suppose it would be *under* a deer, but still.)

(Small car... oh, never mind. It wasn't that funny, anyway.)

I think it's good luck to have a doe cross your path.

...If it doesn't *intersect* with your path, that is.


I don't have time to type much (I am experiencing the horror of actual 8-hour days at work as it is), but I do want to say that the wedding was faboo, and lovely, and everything one could wish for two people so obviously in love. I will post a full update of the visit later this week, but the Tara hangover wasn't so bad after gatorade and Cola Syrup ("what *is* this stuff?!" "Cola, glucose, and phosphorus. It'll make you feel better." "Gah!!" "...and you can make Coke out of it if you add seltzer water."), the reception was dance mania, and I'm sorry I didn't eat my dinner, but the groom was looking a bit pale, too, after an evening of drinking the night before.

On a personal note, Teri looked wonderful, I am eternally grateful to her Mom for having migraine medicine, even if it tasted incredibly bad (started out like a breath mint, and ended up tasting like chewing on corroded copper), I know better than to sit in the back of the car now (sorry, Tara), San Francisco feels exactly like southern England when it rains (which it normally doesn't), and I'm vastly relieved that I actually look passable in most of the pictures she posted.

...nice cleavage in that one shot, too.

Anyway, back to the salt mines.

Mmmmm, salt...

Dorsal - Ventral

Funnier than me: James Lileks


all words copyright Laura Mellin 2000-2005!

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