Angel of Death

I will nibble on your brains...

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Keeping the dream alive for one more entry - 2008-05-20
it still lives... barely. - 2007-02-21
Moved - 2006-11-22
*beep* the AoD is no longer at this number, but will still be receiving messages for a bit... - 2006-11-08
Vote for the one you hate the least - 2006-11-07
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2005-04-19 - 8:10 a.m.

April is the coolest month

The weekend, summed up in bulleted points, for my reading pleasure.

(Hey - if it was for *your* reading pleasure, I'd be a lot more careful about writing well. But, since you're enjoying tasty little slices of my life, you'll read what's served, and you'll like it, buster.)

* We have nesting birds around the farm. The nuthatch-like bird (the Audubon book was absoutely *no* help at all) has decided that the sill above the kitchen door is a great place to raise a family. The other nesting bird is a vulture. Vulture eggs are pale blue/green, and spotted. They're also laid on the floor of the Toxic Barn, which will henceforth be known as the Vulture Barn. We are nothing if not descriptive in our nomenclature.

Man, I hope we didn't scare her off. It took us a while to realize what was going on, since we didn't see a nest, and were checking the barn to see how bad the structure was getting.

* The half-moon was so bright Saturday night, I could do shadow-puppets on the ground. It's *really* dark out there - we even spent a little time looking for constellations, since we weren't there at quite the right time for meteor showers (April 22-26, if you're curious).

* I got to see the last of the daffodils, though Bob had a serious talk with me about what constituted "flower bed", and what constituted "lawn that needs mowing and should not have daffodils planted in it".

* The stream looks gorgeous, and the site for the eventual tavern is really cool now that Bob's made a path through it. I climbed to the top of the tree stand and had a nice look at the whole site, in between clutching at the platform for dear life.

* Farmville has some nice furniture shops - we got a new coffee table.

* It also has some nice antique shops - I got a '30s wedding gown and a '40s evening dress for less than $80. The wedding dress fits if I don't move at all, and the evening gown fits like a glove.

...If I don't move much.

* The weather was beautiful, but windy, making the grass burning much more entertaining than usual. After a while, I started amusing myself by burning small branches. Bob had to remind me to stop after a while, since we didn't really need a signal beacon in the back yard.

* I have a lot of mason jars, even after clearing out the ones that shattered last winter. I tidied up in a couple of the outbuildings, and remembered to wear a face mask, which is probably why I don't have dust-induced pneumonia.

* Bob mowed. A lot.

I like four-day weekends.

Dorsal - Ventral

Funnier than me: James Lileks


all words copyright Laura Mellin 2000-2005!

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