Angel of Death

I will nibble on your brains...

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Keeping the dream alive for one more entry - 2008-05-20
it still lives... barely. - 2007-02-21
Moved - 2006-11-22
*beep* the AoD is no longer at this number, but will still be receiving messages for a bit... - 2006-11-08
Vote for the one you hate the least - 2006-11-07
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2005-05-17 - 9:14 a.m.

One pill makes you giddy, one pill makes you... well, that one makes me giddy, too.

Well, I didn't get to speak at the memorial, but the people I wanted to hear got to read my notes, and I suppose that's all that matters.

But dude - the woman singing the Lord's Prayer? Scary. Tracy and I would have been making faces at each other. And Tracy would sing it *so* much better.

The event on Saturday was nice - but I had some moments when people decided to set up their stuff (decorating prizes, setting their candy/books/drinks down) *on* (actually *on* the fabric!) my embroidery display. I know they were just being sociable, but there were oodles of tables with free space - why do it on my display?

*sigh* Everyone was *really* friendly though - and I'm such an attention whore that I consider the entire group to be absolutely wonderful people who have extremely good taste because I got lots of compliments on my outfit.


Really, I'm kind of looking forward to moving there - they do seem like very nice people, if not quite the kind of scadians I'm used to (and I have no intention of moving there and telling them how much better it would be if they did it *my* way, so they don't need to greet us with pitchforks, or anything).

No Monday entry as I was sick yesterday - well, technically, it felt like an allergy attack, the kind I get when I eat mushrooms (a sudden urge to sit down and/or pass out, shakiness, light-headedness, and an overwhelming urge to get better acquainted with the ground). It started Sunday after lunch, and while I'm fairly sure nothing on the Ruby Tuesday's salad bar that I *ate* was contaminated by 'shrooms, there is a chance that I missed a lurking piece.

I didn't sleep right all weekend, then the attack, then having to take more pills, are all contributing to the feeling that I'm still a bit off-kilter - if I was older, I'd be thinking hot flashes. As it is, I am just having trouble regulating the blood flow to my face and hands, which go alternately numb and flaming hot. I'm sporting a highly attractive pair of bloodshot eyes, too.

Fear me, for I am scary-looking.

Well, a little more so than usual.

I fought at practice last week for the first time in three years, and while I'm going to try again tonight, I'm not sure it's going to continue - I've taken extra painkillers all this week, and I am constantly getting a stabbing pain in my arms that feels like... well, some kind of stabby thing. I'll be trying again tonight, but if it's the same (last week *could* be attributed to a hand jam I got), I'm going to have to stop. It's not muscle fatigue (I know what that feels like), and forgive my boasting, but I'm proud to say I'm in good enough shape I didn't get *any* of that in my legs, and only the barest bit in my forearms (yay physical therapy). The stabby thing is the same feeling that made me have to stop in the first place.

We'll see. I do miss it though - something I try not to think too much about, because what can't be helped, can't be helped. It was just so much *fun*.


Dorsal - Ventral

Funnier than me: James Lileks


all words copyright Laura Mellin 2000-2005!

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