Angel of Death

I will nibble on your brains...

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Keeping the dream alive for one more entry - 2008-05-20
it still lives... barely. - 2007-02-21
Moved - 2006-11-22
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2006-01-10 - 11:23 a.m.

memememememememe... *drool*

Aargh. Too busy - I'm going to have to start updating this thing from home if I'm not careful.

Who knew this work thing could be so inconveniently demanding of one's time?

A -- Accent: English - upper upper middle class intellectual (yes, we have an accent all our own). Will slip into other accents if the occasion demands, but when I'm really angry, I sound really aristocratic and arrogant, and my mother hates it. :)

B -- Breakfast item: Whatever's hiding in my office drawer. When I've been shopping, it's meal bars or gluten free breakfast bars, but recently it's been wheat-free cookies and English candy (and the white chocolate dipped pfefferneuse Bob gave me, but I try to limit myself to one a day, since they are not GF by any stretch of the imagination). When I'm being super good, it's yoghurt and a piece of fruit, but that takes prior planning, and I'm not good at that.

C -- Chore you hate: All of them. I'm missing the housework gene. Bob is remarkably sanguine about this, for some reason. I do try and make an effort because I love him, but sometimes I'm just too tired to do laundry, empty the trash, load/run the dishwasher, and do more than try not to leave a trail of clothing from the door to the bed (where I nap, you perverts). I have managed to stop leaving my shoes *everywhere* most of the time, but the chair in the bedroom is a little cairn of discarded footwear under a dune of clothes.

D -- Dad's name: Anthony John Francis Smith. Author of such excellent tomes as "The Body", "Blind White Fish in Persia", and "Machine Gun". The last one is available on Amazon, the others (and a complete list of the thirty or so books he's written) can be found on Alibris. Bob recommends "Machine Gun", and says it's a good read. I'm biased, I love all his books.

E -- Essential everyday item: Painkillers (sadly), tea, and the knowledge that Bob is somewhere near.

F -- Flavor of ice cream: HaagenDaz raspberry sorbet and frozen yogurt swirl. They used to make it with full cream ice cream, and it was magnificent, but they stopped. I can't even find the yogurt one half the time. This is typical of anything I like - they immediately stop making it. I live in fear of the day my hair dye is no longer available.

G -- Gold or silver?: Platinum. White gold or silver will do in a pinch, but I loves me the platinum. Preferably with diamonds.

H -- Hometown: London, England. Columbia. Arvonia.

I -- Insomnia: Chronic. Initial, middle, and terminal, though I've adapted, and manage quite well as long as I have an afternoon nap. The gluten-free stuff helps, but I have to actually stick to it (I'm trying, man!) for it to be effective.

J -- Job title: Research Assistant, statistics and epidemiology. No-one knows what I actually do, and I'm not telling. I get more free time that way.

K -- Kids: Not really. They're rather high maintenance, you know.

L -- Living arrangements: Apartment, alternated with a falling down house that is shared with a groundhog, ants, a bee hive, and about fifty million wasps.

M -- Mom's birthplace: Hedenham, England (I think).

N -- Number of pets: None. We had a praying mantis for a while, but they only live a year, and Bob found him in December. I hope to have a hedgehog someday, and have plans to use a small hairless rat as the baby Jesus in my mega living creche next year.

("What a lovely creche - why is the baby Jesus moving? EEK!")

O -- Overnight hospital stays: A few here and there. None for over ten years (as far as I remember). I remember going in for an ear operation when I was about four - the medication they gave me to knock me out didn't kick in until I was *in* the operating room, and I was *terrified*. Aah, the National Health System.

P -- Phobias: Spiders, loud thunderstorms at night. I'm workign on both, and can now touch a spider with my fingernail, and sit on the balcony during a thunderstorm as long as someone is with me.

Q -- Queer?: Well, the oatmeal cookies were a little stale, and my tummy does feel a little funny...

R -- Religious affiliation: Caltholic /Anglican. I cover all my bases and get cake. I'm not really very church-oriented, but I do believe in a greater consciousness.

I also believe that greater consciousness isn't stupid, so I don't think it's fooled by all the people down here who say they're only doing horrible things because their god tells them it's okay.

S -- Siblings: Brother, sister, half brother, half-sister, step sister. Possibly others my father doesn't know about. When we say extended family, we mean it. It's fun, in a twisted sort of way. Fortunately, none of my family are evil - just annoying sometimes. I'm sure they feel that I return the favour on occasion, so I think we're even.

T -- Time you wake up: 4:50am Monday-Thursday. Later on weekends. I don't like sleeping in past 8:30-9am because I always have stuff to do and don't want to waste time sleeping. Fortunately, my early work time means that sleeping in until 8am really feels like sleeping in.

U -- Unnatural hair color: Red. Really red. Flaming sooper-dooper red. Red heads rule.

V -- Vegetable you refuse to eat: Boiled or steamed summer squash or zucchini. It's a texture thing. Everything else I'm pretty okay with, but the whole slimy green/yellow sludge thing makes me gag.

W -- Worst habit: Obsessive rumination, also known as flaming death-spiral thinking.

X -- X-rays you've had: Arm stuff, and a whole bunch of dental stuff. My teeth may look nice, but it's all show - my teeth are English, so even though they have the strength of obsidian (and fortunately not the colour), I still have lots and lots of issues.

I have fillings in my wisdom teeth, which I still have all four of. I have genetically marvellous teeth completely ruined by the fact that they were created in an English mouth.

I do floss though, which is more than most of my countrymen can say.

Y -- Yummy: Well, there's this white organic Hawaiian honey I found which actually makes the gluten-free bread taste good, but I have an awfully long list:
Mince pies
Refreshers (UK fizzy candy)
Really good tomatoes
Grandma Utz lard-cooked potato chips
...and many more. Who says I'm a picky eater?

Z -- Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. I would say I don't believe in such things, but they manage to be awfully accurate about my personality anyway.

Dorsal - Ventral

Funnier than me: James Lileks


all words copyright Laura Mellin 2000-2005!

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