Angel of Death

I will nibble on your brains...

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Keeping the dream alive for one more entry - 2008-05-20
it still lives... barely. - 2007-02-21
Moved - 2006-11-22
*beep* the AoD is no longer at this number, but will still be receiving messages for a bit... - 2006-11-08
Vote for the one you hate the least - 2006-11-07
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2006-04-26 - 12:06 p.m.

To sleep, perchance.

I am officially cranky about the arm (shoulder/upper back/hand/neck) pain because it has now cost me three nights of sleep.

Well, good sleep, anyway.

I'm used to being an insomniac - it's amazing how much you can get accomplished on four hours of fitful sleep - but it's usually not quite so... ouchy.

I burrito'd myself last night, I was turning so much.


Don't have much inspiration today, so I'll just close with the fact that I deeply loathe and despise Tom Cruise, but I really like Phillip Seymour Hoffmann, so I'm totally conflicted about going to see MI:3.

My days, they are filled with such weighty matters.

Dorsal - Ventral

Funnier than me: James Lileks


all words copyright Laura Mellin 2000-2005!

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