Angel of Death

I will nibble on your brains...

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Keeping the dream alive for one more entry - 2008-05-20
it still lives... barely. - 2007-02-21
Moved - 2006-11-22
*beep* the AoD is no longer at this number, but will still be receiving messages for a bit... - 2006-11-08
Vote for the one you hate the least - 2006-11-07
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2006-08-11 - 11:55 a.m.


Apologies for not updating - I wasn't *just* leaving that last post up because I was absolutely incensed; my computer at work has gone kerflooey, and I am no longer "in the system", as they say, so I've had no e-mail or internet access for a week at work, where I get most of my internet stuff done.

It's been hell. Hell, I tell you.

But now it's almost time to go join a bunch of people at Pennsic, and for the first time in nearly seven years, I'm *really* looking forward to it - camping with people who are happy we're part of their group, lots of music, and nice, nice stuff.

Speaking of nice stuff, I'll have some "Gardiner's Haberdashery" things for sale, and I'll also have a few copies of the coif embroidery pattern. Come see me if you're interested.

Otherwise, I'm just now in the final stages of packing and sorting things - the liner for the tent is almost done, so if you want to see it, come and find us. It should look pretty cool (we hope). Also, the outer walls (all of them - we had a small glitch in getting all four of the walls up there, in that only three made it up initially, but the fourth is on its way today, thanks everyone, I have yummy snax for you all) are painted this year, so it's looking pretty decorative. Nothing amazing, certainly by the standards of some of the marvelous painted structures one can see at Pennsic, but I'm pretty pleased with all of it (Bob did all the construction work on the roof liner, and none of it could have been done without him, so he gets at *least* half the credit, if not more).

So, I'm spending today doing all sorts of last minute things. I'm taking the time to write this because my hair is covered with dye goop (what? You thought it was natural? I mean - of course it is - this is just a "conditioning treatment"), and I have business cards printing out, Billy Joel is playing on the stereo -

You know, a lot of people diss Mister Joel as totally uncool, but he's an amazing musician, and anyone who's never really listened to his albums is missing out. I realize I am outing myself as totally uncool by saying this, but actually, I'm a musician first and an ultra-cool *ahem* babe second, so as a musician, I firmly endorse both his playing *and* his songwriting (except for the stuff he wrote about that bitch Christie).

But back to my life, since this is my diary, and you're free to stop reading the instant you're bored.


Oh, you're still here? You *are* a glutton for punishment, aren't you?

Well, the timer says I've got ten minutes left on the whole "Ginger-by-choice" hair stuff, so we still have time.

I've been pulling out my clothes, and I'm trying *really* hard not to bring anything more than I need. Every year I pull out stuff, then panic that I won't have enough to wear, so I add three more outfits that don't get worn. Well, no more. I *will* be good this year.


No, I'm serious, I mean it. I'm really not the type that wants a new outfit every day, and changes twice or three times - if I think I look good in something, I'll wear it several times, ditto for something I want to show off. I am bringing the embroidered jacket, and there's no way I'm only wearing it once (assuming it doesn't rain the whole time). For the other outfits, I'm bringing the things I feel prettiest in - they're all pretty period, too, so no worries about that - since I feel life is now too short to look drab.

Besides, my current mission is to show that period clothing doesn't have to be drab to be correct, it just has to be correct.

It's a subtle distinction, to be sure, but I think it can be made.

Anyway - I've bored myself at this point, and the timer is about to go off. And I still have to deforest my legs.

Great - now you're bored *and* icked out, right? That means my work is done.

See you in a week!

Dorsal - Ventral

Funnier than me: James Lileks


all words copyright Laura Mellin 2000-2005!

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