Angel of Death

I will nibble on your brains...

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2006-10-02 - 11:08 a.m.


Woot. October. My second favourite month.

(My favouritest month is, of course, December, which not only incorporates Christmas, but also includes my birthday. Birthday = presents, ergo, December, favourite month = natch.)

I like October because they start showing spooky movies on cable, and Showtime starts up again with the excellent series "Masters of Horror" (the first series is now out on DVD, with a separate DVD for each episode, and of course, I'm having trouble finding my favourite ones because I'm a troglodyte and somehow it never occurs to me to look on Amazon). Pumpkins start appearing, and people start putting costume stuff out in the stores (I stock up on skull collectibles this time of year).

It's the time for ghosties and ghoulies and long-legged beasties, and the realization that you can make almost anything sound less scary if you put the diminutive "-ie" on the end. "Blood-sucking leechies form outer space". "Texas Chainsawie Massacer-ie". "Zombie".

Okay, maybe not. But "ghostie" works, at least.

I believe in the abstract concept of the supernatural, and I prefer horror movies that contain at least a smidgen of the unexplained, but I have a hard time believing in real (in)substantial ghosts because I've never seen one that I can say for certain was a ghost. I've had some stunningly spooky experiences, yes, and I display a certain flair with the Tarot card readings, but contact with Things From Beyond The Grave eludes me.

Bob says he's seen a ghost, and I believe him. Unlike most of the people I see on the endless TV programs (which I can't resist watching) about the supernatural, I find Bob to be a pretty credible witness, and if he says he's seen a ghost, I'm sure he has.

I've never seen one though, not even at the farmhouse. Where other people have reported spectral lights, I just find mice. And hornets, which now seem to have been eaten by something, because the hornet's nest in the wall by the porch door is no more.

But anyway. I like the *idea* of the supernatural, but the people who tend to be heavily involved do rather come off as a bunch of wide-eyed nutcases ready to believe anything anybody who isn't associated with a real scientific institution tells them. They're fun to watch, though, and I plan to spend the pumpkin days of October happily snortling at their antics on the nosebleed cable channels.

Dorsal - Ventral

Funnier than me: James Lileks


all words copyright Laura Mellin 2000-2005!

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