Angel of Death

I will nibble on your brains...

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2005-04-01 - 8:48 a.m.

Cheat! Cheat! (Hey, it's a Friday entry - stop complaining.)

Gen sent this to me; blame her for the lack of substantive diary goodness today.

Hey, at least it's a bonus Friday entry.

It *sort* of makes up for missing Wednesday.

(I think I missed Wednesday; this week has been a bit of a blur.)

The new muscle relaxant my Doc prescribed for me is not working; I'm almost back at the level of pain I had before I started the Vicoprofen. If this goes on, I'm going to have to go back to full dose, not the half doses I've been managing on for the past two months.



Anyway, My cop-out Diaryland entry[tm]:

Ever been so drunk you blacked out?
- Yes, there was this party, see, and Tara was encouraging everyone to drink, and Susan and I finished of two liters of flavoured rum between us, a shot at a time. Initially, we were using fruit juice mixers to cut the rum, but we ran out of mixer before we perfected doing the shot with no hands...

Missed work because it was raining?
- No, but I've missed work because I had other stuff to do, missed work because I was going insane and had to get away for a day, missed work because it was too hard to wake up, and... oh, wait, yes. I *have* missed work because it was raining so hard that driving to work in a Miata would have been suicide.
...the time I went to work anyway, I almost floated away on a sea of floodwater. The guy driving next to me decided he didn't need to go slowly, so I spent five seconds (which is a LONG time) under water, completely unable to see where the jersey barriers were. I almost ran over a cop, I think.

Set a body part on fire for amusement?
- no, but Matt has.And Bob does it regularly. Like many somewhat dangerous things, I prefer to laugh at other people doing it rather than try it myself.

Been hurt emotionally?
- Many times, but I'm afraid I've given as good as I got. Especially in my younger years. I rather hope I'm a bit more compassionate these days.

Kept a secret from everyone?
- Frequently. I'm not one for blabbing my private life to everyone. Bob knows more about me than anyone, but he's not telling, either. :P

Had an imaginary friend?
- I pretended I had a boyfriend once, when I didn't. Does that count?

Ever wanted to hook up with a friend?
- Wanted? Not terribly. Thought about it? Sure, in that idle "I wonder what they're like in bed" kind of way. I prefer them as friends, though. Less muss.

Had a crush on a teacher?
- Absolutely life-threatening crush on my high school choir director. Three years of complete torture. Nice man, though. In college, I had an extremely weird interview with one of the professors, and didn't realize until about a month later that he interviewed all his female students to see which ones he was going to have sex with. I guess I didn't make the grade. :)

Ever thought an animated character was hot?
- Er, not since I was 13 and a raging mass of hormones. Like many things I did as a teenager, I prefer to pretend none of it ever happened, and that I was born fully formed on the half-shell at 23.

Had a New Kids on the Block tape?
- No, though I did have a ghastly tendency to listen to Barry Manilow as a teenager. See previous answer.

Been on stage?
- Many times. I wanted to be a performer/actor for most of my childhood, until I realized that I was too emotional to make it through auditioning - it's a very cruel process. Plus, I was fat, and most people don't want to see fat female actors. I was good enough to get parts though, and I've performed at the National Theater in DC, and at Wolf Trap, as well as numerous small theaters around Maryland. I was the lead singer for two years with an early music group that performed (for money!) at the Maryland Renaissance Festival, I've performed in bars, and, of course, lots of performances in the SCA. My current group, Lost Cause, has performed various places (for money!) as well. We'll be trying to record a CD this summer.


-Whatever keeps my various hideous scalp things under control. Currently, the demons like Neutrogena products.

-Arsoa Queen Silver Soap! Not the most expensive soap out there, but pretty pricey! $37 a bar, but it will last a long time! Soft skin!'s pretty good stuff.

-Black/White? Right/Wrong? What? I suppose I like it all, as long as it's not too early in the morning, and the painkillers are working. It definitely depends on the company and the time of year - I love summer nights and fall afteroons.

- Fall (Autumn!), with winter a close second, because snow is really cool if you don't have to drive a Miata in it.

Lace or satin?
- Silk, which I suppose is more often satin than lace, though it can be both. Satin lingerie is more comfortable than lace, though they're making great strides in artificial fabrics these days. But really, cotton is nice. Black cotton.

Fave cartoon Character?
- Uh... You know, I don't think I have one. I suppose Stitch is very cute, but I think if I could have one, the little dancing skulls from "Wizards" would be my choice.
...yup, dancing skulls. I could use me some o' them.

Fave Food?
- That which does not make me want to throw up, give me insomnia, or make me break out. I suppose at the moment it would be treacle pudding and custard, but crispy french fries are good, too.

Fave Movie?
- Horror.
...okay, okay, currently, probably "Resident Evil II: Apocalypse".
...But it changes regularly.

Favorite Ice Cream?
- Haagen Daz's Sorbet and Cream, but they don't make it anymore. The Sorbet and Frozen Yogurt just isn't the same.

Fave Subject?
- Death. Then Elizabethan stuff.

Fave soft drink?
- According to the ads on TV, it's either Coke with Lime, or Fanta. Both have the most annoying songs of all the current crop of unhealthy soft drinks, and both are completely stuck in my head, so when someone says "soft drink?", my brain goes into dial-an-annoying-song mode, and "wanta Fanta?" or "You put the lime in the Coke, you nut" (I used to like that song!) enters my head. Personally, when I'm not forced to drink sugar-free stuff, I like fruit juice mixed with seltzer water. Growing up in the country I did, when I did, fizzy drinks just weren't a common thing (though enjoyed when we got them), so I prefer low/no carbonation. American fizzy drinks are more intensely carbonated than European ones, too.

Fave Person to talk to online?
- Myself. I don't really AIM anyone (not allowed to at work), and I just talk to random people on the Etiquette Hell forum, not anyone in particular.

Fave Word?
- I don't have one, though my father was always a fan of "Proctological Examination" - he calls it "euphonious",
...and that's his right.


- Black low rise pajama pants, black girly thermal top (it has little black roses on it). Substantial amount of midriff (for me) showing.

Hair is?
- In need of a wash, but I'm sitting here instead. It's red.

- Chewing on the inside of my lip, though Bob left Goldfish crackers by the computer, so I'm kind of eying them, but I think I'll have gluten-free toast instead. I've been pretty non-diet oriented this week, but I'll be better next week (if I ever want to sleep again).

- I had coffee with a generous shot of creme brulee liqueur this morning. Thank you, sweetie.

- How much more of this can I make my readers sit through? I'll reveal a dark shameful secret from my past if you read all the way to the end.

Listening to?
- "American IV: The Man Come Around", Johnny Cash. It's his last album, and all of you should get it. Right now. It's really cool. My favourite songs so far are "The Man Comes Around", "Hurt", and "I Hung My Head", though currently, "Danny Boy" is playing.

Talking to?
- y'all. Through the written medium. Communication is an amazing thing.

***IN THE LAST 24 HRS***

- I get tears in my eyes every time they show a news story with someone crying. It's a problem I'm trying to overcome, but not until after they stop covering the Pope.

Worn a skirt?
- I live in skirts. I have finally conceded in the past few years to wearing jeans and some particular kinds of trousers, but jeans in particular make me feel like I look very, very fat. I do not find them flattering in the least. I prefer skirts, especially since I like wearing high heels.

Met someone new?
- Well, we did talk to the waitress who spilled Matt's ice tea in his lap last night.

Cleaned your room/house?
- Dude, you think I have time for cleaning?
...uh, I think I have to start laundry this morning, but that would be about it. I also managed to put most of the clothes on the cbedroom chair away. Bob is threatening to put a row of chairs in my half of the walk-in closet, since I almost never hang stuff up.
...I'm sorry, sweetheart - I lack the housekeeping gene.

Drove a car?
- Miata all the way. I managed not to kill anyone driving home from work yesterday, but someone almost tried to kill me. I hate timid drivers, because they almost always do boneheaded things - what is it with middle-aged women who are totally incapable of realizing that there are actually *other* cars on the road?!


_ A quick check of my body does, in fact, confirm that I exist. least, my boobs do. Bob will be *so* relieved.

Your friends?
- This question is a little too stupid for me to answer, sorry. Assuming a tangible reality, I must assume that since I cannot make my friends do whatever I want, they do actually exist and are not figments of my imagination.
...I'm not feeling particularly touchy-feely this morning.

Santa Claus?
-I have known since I was two that Santa Claus was my mother, due to a combination of life-long insomnia and the tendency f my mother to swear when she banged her toes into the end of the bed. It's never stopped me from enjoying my stocking presents at *all*.

Tooth Fairy?
- Who am I to argue with free money?

- I believe that things always work out okay for me (and since I married Bob, him too. I have generous karma).

- Not in the anorexic blonde pretty creatures with wings sense, no. I do believe in things outside the immediately visible.

- It depends on whether "ghosts" are an imprint of past energy, without actual sentience (I do believe in psychic impressions, and Bob's seen a ghost), but I have no proof that people can communicate from beyond the dead. I'm open to being persuaded, but not by the current crop of TV "Psychics".

- I believe in the probability of intelligence in the universe other than us (and I'm making a bit of a leap with us as far as "intelligence" goes), but little grey men? No. I think the abundant "alien abductees" are simply using a current explanation to explain their neurosis, because demonic possession is no longer a popular explanation. I think these people really believe their delusions, and I feel horrible that they get exploited by people just out for a buck, but I really believe it's all in their heads. The human brain creates very powerful hallucinations that involve all senses, but just because you dream you had tea with Elvis and Bigfoot on a flying saucer and you tasted the tea, and heard Elvis talking, and felt the probe up your nose, doesn't mean it actually happened. A few nights ago I dreamt I was taking a shower (with a giant spider), and it felt completely real, but I still woke up with dirty hair (and no spider).

Still with me? Wow. That shameful secret from my past is almost within reach. Don't bother skipping to the bottom - I'm hiding it in the middle of one of the answers.

Yes, I'm evil.


Like anyone?
- Do I like anyone? No. I hate you all, that's why I make such a huge effort to be a nice person, even though my demonic nature prompts me to play with you all like a cat plays with a mouse.
...and why I'm making you read this.

Who have you known the longest of your friends?
- Ah, that would be Anna, whom I have known since I was three years old. ***EVIL SECRET FROM MY PAST: When I was six, I shoved my sister's head through a glass door, almost slicing her throat open. However, my guardian demon was looking out for me, and she didn't even get a scratch on her, though it took my mother almost an hour to get my sister's head back through the hole in the glass without cutting her. My sister thought the whole thing was hilarious, thereby proving that she's not normal, either.*** Anna is currently in Africa somewhere (I know which country, I can't call it to mind off the top of my head - wait, I remembered - Burundi. She's in Burundi), so I expect to be getting a phone call from her in six months or so when she swings through the US again. She's one of those people where you can just pick up where you left off last time, and I think she's really cool.

Who's the shyest?
- Try me. If you ever want to see me completely stressed out, stick me in a room where the only conversation I can make with a bunch of strangers is small talk. Bob's pretty shy, too.

- Yeah, that would be Bob, too, though I'm doing my best to keep up. We prefer the term "creatively abnormal", however.

Who do you go to for advice?
- Boringly, Bob. Hey - I know who to trust. The voices in my head like to mess with me, so I can't always rely on them.

When did you cry the most?
- Doesn't everyone cry the most in their teenage years? I shed quite a few quarts in the last two years of my first marriage, and there was this weekend when I was coming off the Ultram, but recently, being Baroness of Lochmere was pretty damned stressful. On the other hand, I cry easily, so it's not like it's an olympic sport to get me sobbing.

Worst Feeling?
- That hiccup of horror when you realize this isn't a dream, and you really *are* at work naked.
...Second worst is when you realize someone you trusted has betrayed you. I don't like that feeling, and it's happened too often. People wonder why I'm very reserved - well, now you know.

***I deleted the last bit, because it referenced the e-mail that I plundered for today's cheat entry.***

You've just filled out this questionnaire; what are you going to do now?
- Wash my hair.

Dorsal - Ventral

Funnier than me: James Lileks


all words copyright Laura Mellin 2000-2005!

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