Angel of Death

I will nibble on your brains...

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2006-03-13 - 6:45 a.m.

Allow me to explain how this feels...

While on the whole I had a lovely weekend spent doing nice things with my sweetie and buying antiques, I did find out on Friday that my pain-management doctor is moving, didn't bother to tell me, and won't be available to see me until two weeks after my prespcription runs out (and she won't renew it without seeing me because the government is run by assholes).

There's nothing like the phrase "perhaps you can go to the emergency room and ask them for a prescription" to make you feel like you're suddenly starring in your own Lifetime Network movie about Women Addicted To Prscription Drugs And How They're Desperate Junkies Willing To Go To The ER And Beg For Their Fix.

Unfortunately, the realities of long-term pain management are not well understood by all doctors (my GP, for example), so right now, I'm facing a period of increased pain and crankiness (my elbows are burning even as we speak). Fortunately, I have the pit-bull lawyer/husband of death[tm] on my side, so he's been taking good care of me and exploring other physician options.

I need him with me when I see new doctors. I am rather timid around doctors, since I hate to be made to feel like the aforementioned Lifetime Network Prescription Junkie by people who haven't had to function with chronic pain *ever*, so don't understand that narcotic pain meds are not entirely of the Debil, and can, in fact, be used for the purpose they were intended, i.e., TO STOP PEOPLE FROM BEING IN FREAKING PAIN ALL THE TIME.

Sorry, I got a bit carried away, there.

I do *so* hate being treated like I'm some sort of lesser being for not simply stiffening my upper lip with Elmer's Glue and Dealing With The Pain In A Noble And Brave Manner. I'm not a junkie looking for a fix, I'm simply trying to live without pain.

I suppose that's too much to ask.

No, I'm not bitter.

Dorsal - Ventral

Funnier than me: James Lileks


all words copyright Laura Mellin 2000-2005!

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