Angel of Death

I will nibble on your brains...

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2006-03-29 - 6:07 a.m.

All about meme

Thank you, *thank* you, Deedee, for putting a meme up so I don't have to think this morning. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, though I'm sure some people are thoroughly tired of hearing about me by now.

Tough titty. You're reading *my* diary, and don't you forget it!

As if you could.

Have You:

Taken a picture naked? Yes, but don't get excited, I destroyed most of them. There are a couple where I look like I might possibly be naked, but you can't see anything, and anyway, I'm not.

Interestingly enough, many years ago when we were signed up on AOhelL and I was big into chat rooms *embarrassedcough*, someone sent me an *extremely* obscene amateur porn picture titled simply "Laura" and asked "is this you?". Thankfully, it wasn't. I'm not saying I never did what was going on in the pic (it wasn't kinky, you perverts), but unlike Miz Hilton, I'm smart enough not to immortalize the moment on film.

Made out with a member of the same sex? Uh, yes. I'd claim the indiscretion of youth, except most of my friends saw me at Bob's first 50th birthday party. We all stand firm to the theory that it was Gen's fault, but pretty much all the girls got in on it.

...I think it explains some of the popularity of Bob's parties - you never know *what's* going to happen. What can I say? It was just kissing, no groping.

Anything more than that will have to stay in my dark distant past.

Danced in front of your mirror? Many, many times. When I was young, fat, and unprepossessing, I wanted *very* badly to be a dancer, but small pudgy girls don't really get the breaks, as it were. Nowadays I sing to my mirror.

...I'm pretty good - at least, my reflection always says so.

Told a lie? I refuse to answer that, based on the fact that anything I say can and will be used against me. Let's just say that I do *not* think "I was just being honest!" is a justification for cruelty or tactlessness.

Gotten in a car with people you just met? I used to go to Sci-Fi conventions a lot - you end up sharing hotel rooms with people you've just met when you're broke and a teenager. I don't do any of that stuff alone; I know it's a bad idea even though I don't watch "Oprah" or the "Lifetime" channel.

Been in a fist fight? Uh, yeah, but I'm not much of a puncher. Sneak attacks are more my style.

Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Who doesn't? I think that's one of the most agonizing facets of human existence, as well as a huge factor in artistic achievement. Reams of poetry (some of it even good) have been written about the subject, and where would music be without the delicate sounds of heartstrings being twanged until they can't take it any more?

Been arrested? Technically, no. There was an incident in my teenage years that involved an extremely nasty police officer who I hope burns in one of the hottest circles in hell for all eternity, though.

Left your house without telling your parents? All the time.

...Oh, you mean when I was a teenager and actually lived with my mother? All the time. My mother travelled a lot for work, and she'd leave us alone for a week or so at a time (I was 16, and fine). Good times, good times.

Ditched school to do something more fun? If you count getting over jet lag and the occasional suicide attempt, then yes, I did, on occasion, skip school. Mostly though, I rather liked it - friends to hang out with, don'tcha know.

Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? My sister and I used to share a bed when we went to stay at my paternal grandmother's house, and I once shared a bed with four other girls (hotel room).

Seen someone die? Not in person, no. I have seen the footage of Vic Morrow and the two kids in "Twilight Zone: The Movie" getting hit by a helicopter, though.

Kissed a picture? Ah, Bob. I missed you a lot those times I was in England without you.

Slept in until 3? Depression will do that to you. So will staying up until 5am, not sleeping for 36 hours straight, getting jet lag, and taking a tad too many pills by complete mistake.

Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? "Look! A bunny! And it's wearing a pancake on its head!"

Played dress up? Duuuuuuuh. Actually, I've been playing dress up with great dedication since I was very little. I started making my own costumes by the time I was six, and one friend of the family was convinced I was going to become an opera singer because I loved dressing up so much.

(...and because I could sing, and most importantly, because I was fat. Oh, well.)

Fallen asleep at work/school? Meetings are an absolute bane, as is the occasional day when I come into work after a bad bout of insomnia. The meetings, though - the worst is when I have to sit thorugh a powerpoint presentation, since I am immediately thrown back to film strip day in high school, and as soon as the lights go down, I fall into a coma.

...This is particularly awkward if I'm the one giving the presentation.

Felt an earthquake? No. Clearly I have not spent enough time in California.

Touched a snake? Yes, though I'm always slightly nervous about being bitten. It's an irrational fear, and I love snakes, so I play anyway. We have all sorts of snakes at the farm, and they're rather fun.

Ran a red light? Yes. The Miata is short, and red lights that are on sensors cannot see it. Most of the time this isn't a problem, as a car will come up behind me and trip the sensor, but at 2am, it's just not happening. I have turned left on red.

Had detention? Yes, but the teacher was an asshole, and I *really* didn't deserve it.

Been in a car accident? Yes. We were driving home from the farm once, and a woman rear-ended us because she was paying more attention to the puppies in her back seat than the road in front of her. Bob and she exchanged information, and he handed her his card. She screamed "Oh, my God, I rear-ended a lawyer!". Bob smiled and said "Worse than that", and showed her his P.G. County officer's badge. Heh.

Pole danced? Arms too delicate, cannot hold on to pole.

Been lost? Yes, and it freaks me out every time. I *hate* being lost. This is not the same as taking a random drive without knowing where I'm going - I only consider it "lost" if I need to get somewhere, and I have no idea where I am. I once got lost in Northeast DC, which is *not* a good place to be lost in.

Sang karaoke? Just this last weekend, in fact. We now have a Karaoke machine of our very own. Just so you know, I suck at Karaoke, but I don't care.

Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Doesn't everyone? I fear people with the kind of self-control to never do something they said they wouldn't.

Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? No, nor have I choked. I dislike spitting things out.

Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes. This practice is not recommended where smog levels are high; acid snow tastes funny.

Kissed in the rain? Yup, all romance-novel like and everything.

Sang in the shower? Only to annoy the people in the apartment upstairs.

Got your tongue stuck to a pole? I am *so* not that stupid.

Ever gone to school partially naked? Yes - well, I changed when I got there, but the art department was having a "Dada" party (it was an art movement), and I came dressed as a belly dancer in a hot pink sequinned bikini trimmed with feathers.

...Okay, more of a hoochie dancer. I then went to choir practice in it, since I didn't have time to change. It was... quite something.

Sat on a roof top? Painted on a rooftop, sat on a rooftop, and once, peed off a fire escape on a rooftop, because it was three in the morning, and... you know.

Played chicken? No. Played with chickens? Yes.

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No, but Bob has. I'm not into the whole "horrible things done to you in the name of fun and you're a bad sport if you get pissed off" school of thought.

Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? Usually, they tell me I'm beautiful, or they whistle under their breath as they walk by me. This tends to happen about once a week. I have been asked out to dinner by total strangers, and once, a rather shy-looking geeky (but nice geeky, not creepy) guy came up to me in a hardware store and said "you-are-the-most-beautiful-girl-I've-ever-seen" very fast, and ran off before I could thank him.

...Personally, I can't see it. I think I look completely ordinary, except for maybe the hair.

Broken a bone? No - according to my dentist, if my bones are anything like my teeth, they're made of titanium, and will never break. I've never even had a fracture. I bruise like a sonofabitch, though.

Mooned/flashed someone? Discreetly.

Forgotten someone's name? All the time - I have a bad head for names, and the SCA makes it even more difficult. I once tried the "how do you spell your name?" trick, and the person looked at me funny, and said "B. O. B.". Highly embarrassing, but funny in retrospect.

Slept naked? Not for you to know. However, I twist and turn a lot, so nightdresses tend to bind me up like a burrito.

Blacked out from drinking? Your Honour, I have no recollection of the evening in question, but there were two empty bottles of flavoured rum, and a bunch of shot glasses on the table in the morning, and it took me three days to recover.

Played a prank on someone? Mild ones - and I have a tendency to apologize afterwards. I'll only do them on friends who will get the joke, and I don't like humiliating (undeserving) people, so pranks mostly aren't my style.

Felt like killing someone? I have a list.

Made a parent cry? Unfortunately, yes. I wish I hadn't.

Cried over someone? Insanely. It's back to that whole unrequited love thing. That, and the fact that I cry easily.

Had sex more than 5 times in one day? Dude! You don't get to know that!

Had/Have a dog? No. I like other people's pets (some more than others), but I'm not really a dog person. Too many friends have allergies, so I'm probably never going to get a cat again, either.

Been in a band? Yes.

Drank 25 sodas in a day? *Bloat* Never. I don't have that kind of stomach capacity.

Shot a gun? Yes, and I plan to do so again this weekend. Bob has a sweet little .22 with almost no recoil that is *mine*. I am still slightly skittish about guns (didn't grow up with them), but I'm getting better.

So, does anyone read these things through to the end?

Dorsal - Ventral

Funnier than me: James Lileks


all words copyright Laura Mellin 2000-2005!

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