Angel of Death

I will nibble on your brains...

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2006-05-16 - 8:27 a.m.

Crash bang boom!

If you Google "Attack Laurel", I'm the first listing. I find this immensely funny.

Which is good, because I'm rather tired at the moment (I know, what else is new?). My typing is getting worse, too, so any spelling mistakes are the fault of my fingers, not my brain.

Damn it, I just want to go to sleep.

But, I have to write first about how much "Grey's Anatomy" pisses me off. I actually stopped watching it a while ago, leaving Bob to follow the story while I got in a precious extra twenty minutes of sleep or so (I have a hard time falling asleep before midnight, which isn't good when you have to get up at 5am). Last night, however, they had the two-hour season finale, and I watched while I sewed.

Oh, by the way - what's with all the two-hour season finales? It's tacky, people. It's hard enough to juggle my TV watching schedule, but the two-hour thing is annoying.

Except for "Criminal Intent", but I didn't watch the second half of that.

But back to GA - WTF? WTH? OMG?!

I can see I'm starting to have the same problem with this one that I did with "ER" - too many people making too many really stupid choices, and oh, man, are they stupid. And, of course, no-one gets to be happy, because who the fuck wants to watch people being happy?

I do, dammit. I want to watch things work out, I want to watch people be smart, and fix things, and come out ahead of the pack.

I *don't* want to watch people be destructively selfish - so selfish that they hurt everyone around them, and dont seem to care. Honestly, I get enough of that in the SCA from random idiots - why would I want to watch it on TV? And have it be the main character, the one I'm supposed to be rooting for, yet?

Suffice, to say, I *despise* the main character of GA. I'm not wild about most of the other characters, either, but at least they evince slight signs of caring about someone other than themselves, occasionally.

I remembered last night why I prefer "Animal Precinct" and the other animal cop shows - it may not work out perfectly every time, but these people really care about something other than themselves, even if it's just caring about doing their job the best they can.

I want to believe that most people are good, but it's hard to remember that when you've been burned a few too many times, which makes watching selfish people in a fictional show a less than cheerful waste of time, and I don't want to do it.

Real life is difficult; the good guys don't always win, and the bad guys don't always get told off. Let my fiction be simple and skew towards the good getting what they deserve. Let my "reality shows" be about rescued animals, and not who can snake the prize out from under someone else's nose by being an asshole.

If I want to think about the human condition, I'll read Camus, or better, Bradbury. If I want to amuse myself while sewing, give me puppies and the people who rescue them. I can't get enough of that.

Of course, "10.5 - this time we really mean it" sounds good, too. If I can't save the world, at least let me destroy it.

Boom, baby. Oh, yeah.

Dorsal - Ventral

Funnier than me: James Lileks


all words copyright Laura Mellin 2000-2005!

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