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2003-06-30 - All on my lonesome...
2003-06-27 - New guestbook days
2003-06-26 - Meeting madness
2003-06-25 - 5 questions, infinite concepts.
2003-06-24 - Urban legend-a-rama
2003-06-23 - Mostly farm.
2003-06-19 - Rainy days and Thursdays always get me going...
2003-06-18 - ick.
2003-06-17 - Scare tactics
2003-06-16 - Big house weekend
2003-06-13 - sick, sick, sick.
2003-06-12 - Anne's questions. Finally answered by elsworthy, who has a ridiculous and annoying habit of talking about herself in the third person...
2003-06-11 - It's not a style, it's a "lifestyle"!
2003-06-10 - Boogie-woogie flu... but there's always a cure for what ails you.
2003-06-09 - If I can make it there...
2003-06-07 - A happy moment to remember when I'm feeling blue.
2003-06-05 - Ange du Morte - the legend grows.
2003-06-04 - The more you know...
2003-06-03 - Brrrrrrrrr!
2003-06-02 - Bath time and a rubber ducky.
2003-05-30 - Copernicus was right - you are not the center of the Universe (still).
2003-05-29 - Mean people... well, you know.
2003-05-29 - Gloomy, doomy... blow me.
2003-05-28 - Thinking of summer and stupid people.
2003-05-27 - What a weekend. Ouch.
2003-05-23 - Evangelism from the diet front line.
2003-05-22 - Clothes make the woman.
2003-05-21 - What's on *your* bookshelf?
2003-05-20 - Just a little speck of dust...
2003-05-19 - You are *not* the center of the Universe.
2003-05-16 - Food and Friday Five
2003-05-15 - Dunk those double stuffed white fudge covered bullets of doom!
2003-05-14 - Guilt. Sucks, doesn't it?
2003-05-13 - Mixed-up mix tape.
2003-05-12 - Have you ever noticed how the word "Guacamole" looks a little bit like "Guano"?
2003-05-09 - Tornadoes and philosophy.
2003-05-08 - People are funny.
2003-05-08 - Random slices of pie.
2003-05-07 - Laurels. Apprentices. Is there nothing they won't do?
2003-05-06 - Philosphical weekend: People are... interesting.
2003-05-05 - Hell month begins.
2003-05-05 - EndNotes LUser
2003-05-05 - Come back when I have more time.
2003-05-02 - Days off in my own little world.
2003-05-01 - Sheep. Wool. Living the non-SCA life, if only for a weekend.
2003-04-30 - My self-confidence is under the bed, hiding with the dust bunnies. *achoo!*
2003-04-29 - Sandals and Feet.
2003-04-28 - Weekend-o-rama
2003-04-23 - Farm!
2003-04-22 - Nightmares and commercially available pleasures.
2003-04-21 - Headhurtybadness weekend
2003-04-18 - Busy day.
2003-04-17 - Spring fever-dreams.
2003-04-16 - Done now.
2003-04-15 - Not going to let it bother me, no siree.
2003-04-14 - Hippe-dippie SUV generation.
2003-04-11 - *ungh.*
2003-04-09 - Storm relationships
2003-04-08 - Style book
2003-04-07 - You meant I went to an *event* this weekend? I thought I drove 500 miles to go to an antique store.
2003-04-04 - Off to events we go.
2003-04-03 - Angst.
2003-04-02 - Lists and addiction.
2003-04-01 - Spring cleaning *cough*
2003-03-31 - Party pooped for 2003
2003-03-28 - I am better than Martha.
2003-03-27 - Christina rocks.
2003-03-26 - Dollar store days
2003-03-25 - Lepers and party favours.
2003-03-24 - 29 random thoughts about seven random subjects
2003-03-20 - Work, war, worrying.
2003-03-19 - Taking stock of my principles.
2003-03-18 - Songs and Protest, but not protest songs.
2003-03-17 - Traffic travelling woes and Jamestown
2003-03-12 - Me and Stupendous Man
2003-03-11 - My day, my Knight.
2003-03-10 - Weekend weather fine things.
2003-03-07 - Who I am and who I will *not* be.
2003-03-05 - Laurel Judging, or "I can't understand why people don't like entering competitions!".
2003-03-04 - Baronial Foo
2003-03-03 - Lazy weekend project-a-rama
2003-02-28 - Eulogy
2003-02-27 - Paint splatters on my cerebrum
2003-02-26 - Ugh. Again with the politics.
2003-02-26 - Death Cheese
2003-02-25 - Spring soon? We can only hope.
2003-02-24 - Big and small, they want it all.
2003-02-21 - Snoopy Bleah! day
2003-02-20 - Oh, don't read this. It's religious AND political.
2003-02-19 - Boooooring-ness
2003-02-19 - Back at work. Sharks subdued.
2003-02-18 - Stir crazy
2003-02-17 - We don't have bottled water, but we have cable - snow day #2.
2003-02-14 - Worst Valentine EVER. *snicker*
2003-02-13 - Valentine, schmalentine.
2003-02-12 - Madness, madness, I tells ya!
2003-02-10 - Why I stay in the SCA, even though now I really *do* have all the awards I'm ever going to get.
2003-02-07 - Better now.
2003-02-06 - For when I can't write something personal, this something cryptic will have to do.
2003-02-05 - The *significant* Deb.
2003-02-04 - Scavenging sucky people
2003-02-03 - And so it goes.
2003-01-31 - Monkeys. Poo. Doctors. It's all the same, really.
2003-01-30 - Gah. How many times do I have to say gah?
2003-01-29 - Farming personality thoughts
2003-01-28 - Freak me out with a corn dog
2003-01-26 - Thank yous
2003-01-24 - Why do I play? Because.
2003-01-23 - PMS and Food issues
2003-01-21 - Fealty fu
2003-01-17 - Eh, wadda ya gonna do?
2003-01-16 - Auuugh!
2003-01-15 - Itchitchitchitch...*scratch*scratch*
2003-01-14 - The night that is 12th, scary flea markets and clothes, more clothes.
2003-01-08 - The give and take.
2003-01-07 - Yeah, I saw it.
2003-01-02 - *beep*beep*

January 2005 and on - What, you think this is funny?
The good, the bad, and the Tudor - June to December2004
Resolution to revelation - January to May 2004
The arse end of 2003-July to December
Bright eyed and bushy tailed - January to July, 2003
A mature voice emerges - 2002
The first nervous days - 2001

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