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2004-05-27 - In dreams...
2004-05-26 - I promise this entry isn't about Colonial House...
2004-05-25 - Colonial Grouse
2004-05-24 - "Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!"
2004-05-20 - Exposing my thoughts
2004-05-18 - In Colonial Times, People Wiped Their A**es With Sticks...
2004-05-17 - Monsters, schmonsters.
2004-05-17 - I'm Late! I'm Late!" the White Rabbit said...
2004-05-13 - Serious thoughts for once...
2004-05-12 - Dayquil, with a side of crispy fried cicada, please.
2004-05-11 - 17 Year Ick.
2004-05-10 - Nupe-i-tals
2004-05-06 - six hundred and one
2004-05-06 - *ow!*
2004-05-05 - We are all Satan's minions now.
2004-05-04 - 10.5 gets a 2.0
2004-05-03 - Network Brass Monkeys
2004-04-29 - O Mouse, where is thy sting?
2004-04-28 - Borne upon the furry little mouse paws of madness...
2004-04-27 - Itsy bitsy spider.
2004-04-26 - Take these bulleted points and shoot somebody.
2004-04-21 - Interlude
2004-04-21 - update pending... please stand by
2004-04-20 - Holy Krispy Cruller, Batman!
2004-04-19 - yerk!
2004-04-16 - Tired and dull
2004-04-15 - Shattered glass
2004-04-14 - Yabba dabba d'oh!
2004-04-13 - Enlightened Movie Night!
2004-04-12 - Gah.
2004-04-09 - Busy little bee
2004-04-08 - Taking it All.
2004-04-07 - Snarl*Grr*Hiss*Spit
2004-04-06 - Attack Laurel Job Posting
2004-04-05 - Anniversaries...
2004-04-01 - New Rules! Important!!!
2004-03-31 - Birthday Bob!
2004-03-30 - Homesick
2004-03-29 - Browns! No, wait... Bruins! No, that's not it either. Oh, wait, I know! BRAIIIINNNNSSS!!!
2004-03-26 - Yokel this, Mr. Hollywood-evil Man!
2004-03-25 - Lip-sick feminism
2004-03-24 - "You only write about your day..."
2004-03-23 - Warning: Parental Advisory - Gross Movie Description. No, really gross. Step away now.
2004-03-22 - Happy research dance!
2004-03-18 - It's a bad thing...
2004-03-17 - Censored Underwear
2004-03-16 - "When the bill for that movie comes in, you'll be paying for it."
2004-03-15 - The Arvoniaville Horror
2004-03-11 - Religious... well, you tell me.
2004-03-10 - Diet plan thing
2004-03-09 - It could be worse, in the Universe.
2004-03-08 - Doing equal time.
2004-03-05 - Top ten of last night.
2004-03-04 - Straight no-frills diary entry
2004-03-02 - Tihnk! Thnik twice.
2004-03-01 - Mad Max mea culpa-ish
2004-03-01 - The Passion of The Protest
2004-02-27 - Not going there again...
2004-02-26 - Federal Union means never having to say "I'm married".
2004-02-25 - Anger Disparagement.
2004-02-24 - Blaaaaaaaahhhhh!!
2004-02-23 - They didn't ask me how I pronounce "salt"...
2004-02-20 - Ebola-rama
2004-02-19 - Road Restraint
2004-02-18 - Bad food! Naughty food! No Biscuit for you!
2004-02-17 - Takin' the "A" Train (special sooper-dooper guest entry)
2004-02-16 - What they don't want you to know
2004-02-15 - Warning: Disgustingly sentimental post ahead.
2004-02-13 - Valentine's and the Truly Pathetic Single Girl (a cautionary tale).
2004-02-12 - Romance of the Living Dead
2004-02-11 - All you need is Love (and all you'll get is chocolate)
2004-02-10 - Ask not for whom the bear blushes...
2004-02-09 - Bubble gum hearts and candy kiss-offs
2004-02-06 - Beware of paper cuts
2004-02-05 - We are all freaks, here...
2004-02-04 - Manicure Guru
2004-02-03 - A little bit better now...
2004-02-02 - ungh. ungh. damn.
2004-02-02 - Don't kiss a groundhog - you may not get your lips back.
2004-01-30 - Brain-freezy thought process.
2004-01-29 - Fear of Driving
2004-01-28 - Doesn't play well with others.
2004-01-27 - Seaaaaannnn!! Come back, Sean! I love you, Sean!*
2004-01-26 - Ooowwwwowoowwwooooo... !
2004-01-23 - Just write today off completely...
2004-01-23 - I'd cry, but I can't be bothered.
2004-01-22 - ...What were we talking about?
2004-01-21 - Idol Redux
2004-01-20 - American Denial
2004-01-17 - Soothing the savage beast
2004-01-15 - Thinking Man's Holiday
2004-01-14 - Surprising amounts of pain and persona
2004-01-13 - Living in the past
2004-01-12 - 12th Night - I looked fabulous, how about you?
2004-01-08 - Smear me, spackle me, powder my nose!
2004-01-07 - Word play and a manicure - two bits.
2004-01-06 - *urp*
2004-01-05 - LOTR: Return of the Return of the King.
2004-01-02 - Movie recommendation

January 2005 and on - What, you think this is funny?
The good, the bad, and the Tudor - June to December2004
Resolution to revelation - January to May 2004
The arse end of 2003-July to December
Bright eyed and bushy tailed - January to July, 2003
A mature voice emerges - 2002
The first nervous days - 2001

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