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2002-12-31 - Holiday message
2002-12-21 - LoTR: The Two Muppets
2002-12-19 - Food woes.
2002-12-18 - Ramdom Christmas spirit.
2002-12-17 - Cake. Let them eat someone else's.
2002-12-16 - "Whop!" You heard me.
2002-12-13 - Ho ho huh.
2002-12-11 - Laurels suck ditchwater. Yes, you heard me right.
2002-12-09 - Christmas cheer
2002-12-04 - We wish you a merry something...
2002-12-03 - Birthday part deux
2002-12-02 - Happy birthday to moi
2002-11-22 - Itchy itchy itchy... and scratchy.
2002-11-19 - Bobsurveypalooza
2002-11-18 - Part-ay snacks
2002-11-18 - urgh
2002-11-13 - survey the millionth
2002-11-07 - A prayer to the thrifty ones
2002-11-06 - Sounding board
2002-11-01 - Halloween is a lucrative time of year
2002-10-30 - Dollar Store, Christmas cards, and crazed ennui.
2002-10-28 - stuff
2002-10-16 - Crooooooooooo..*breath*..oooooo - sades!
2002-10-11 - Oh, God, do I *have* to think up a witty title every time?
2002-10-04 - Eh.
2002-10-01 - Survey cop-out
2002-09-30 - I smile the smirky smile of something smirky.
2002-09-19 - 'Bye for a while. Parting would be sweet sorrow, but I'm too busy to care.
2002-09-12 - Hmmmm.
2002-09-10 - It's all over except for the screaming.
2002-09-06 - Cleaning out the mental cobwebs.
2002-09-04 - Five nice things I love about you.
2002-09-03 - Weekend of a thousand tears.
2002-08-29 - I'm ENGLISH, goddammit.
2002-08-27 - Headaches suck.
2002-08-24 - I'm just a puttering rose...
2002-08-21 - Signing my way through a five-year-old's world.
2002-08-20 - Raise me through the cornfields and bring me koi that they might worship my evilness.
2002-08-18 - Pennsic, parties, and pooped.
2002-08-06 - Thinking ahead by examining the past.
2002-08-02 - jacket done, angsty fu
2002-07-31 - Red silk nothings
2002-07-25 - Tea will be served in the drawing room. Shoes and frilly flowered dresses required.
2002-07-21 - Blah.
2002-07-15 - Tiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrred...
2002-07-14 - cleaningcomafrenzythingie
2002-07-11 - Testing, testing... one... two... KILL!!!
2002-07-09 - Depravity and fireworks - who could resist?
2002-07-03 - Updating frenzy
2002-06-27 - Ghost world
2002-06-24 - Sugar shock.
2002-06-19 - ouch.
2002-06-17 - I'll have the lobster alfredo with a side of lard, please
2002-06-14 - Physical therapy and squeezy brains
2002-06-13 - Skipper! O Skipper! Our fearful three-hour tour is ended!
2002-06-10 - Weddings, food, wedding food, Burkittsville, and I'll have that with fries to go, please.
2002-06-06 - Hairangstyfu

January 2005 and on - What, you think this is funny?
The good, the bad, and the Tudor - June to December2004
Resolution to revelation - January to May 2004
The arse end of 2003-July to December
Bright eyed and bushy tailed - January to July, 2003
A mature voice emerges - 2002
The first nervous days - 2001

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