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2004-12-29 - Uh...
2004-12-28 - Reality isn't all it's cracked up to be...
2004-12-27 - Working in a Winter Wonderland
2004-12-22 - All I want...
2004-12-21 - Dalek Days are here again...
2004-12-20 - Dalek for sale or rent, haul away, 50 cents...
2004-12-15 - Cold!
2004-12-14 - Eeeuuuuwwwwwwwww!!!
2004-12-13 - What light through yonder cathode breaks?
2004-12-09 - Er, this is pretty much a rant (but not directed at men - I love men!).
2004-12-08 - Paper rats
2004-12-07 - Antarctic fun and eggs
2004-12-06 - If only in my dreams...
2004-12-02 - Dah nah nah nah nah nah... you say it's your birthday....
2004-12-01 - Jingle Bells.
2004-11-30 - Wilting Wizards!
2004-11-29 - Wave not those kidneys near my face...
2004-11-24 - Thanks for what? Oh, yes - all of You!
2004-11-23 - Me Write Good!
2004-11-22 - Random crap about my life
2004-11-16 - *sigh*
2004-11-15 - Winter
2004-11-13 - Memento
2004-11-12 - Listing to starboard
2004-11-10 - Eek!
2004-11-09 - Jane, stop this crazy thing!
2004-11-08 - One small thing to cross off the to-do list...
2004-11-04 - Mousie-cide
2004-11-03 - Flames!
2004-11-02 - Brain dead.
2004-10-28 - *sigh*
2004-10-27 - Fun yesterday, fun tomorrow, but never fun today...
2004-10-26 - Redefining the Retrosexual
2004-10-25 - Sellin' the Gellin'
2004-10-22 - Ratings
2004-10-21 - You think you have it bad...
2004-10-19 - ARRRRRGHGHGHGHGHG!!!!!
2004-10-18 - Not Very Original...
2004-10-14 - Hoggies!
2004-10-13 - Thoughts of the day...
2004-10-07 - Plati- 'tude.
2004-10-05 - Head. Hurts.
2004-10-04 - Don't be this person!
2004-10-01 - Sightings II
2004-09-30 - Still Breathing...
2004-09-27 - Obligatory entry for Monday September 27.
2004-09-23 - Hyperreality TV
2004-09-22 - I didn't shoot the Sheriff!
2004-09-21 - Bunnies!
2004-09-20 - Origami
2004-09-16 - Be afraid, be *very* afraid.
2004-09-15 - Queens for Hire
2004-09-14 - The Diaryland that ate my entry.
2004-09-13 - less of an update, more of a disjointed string of half-understandable words...
2004-09-09 - Furnishing Fu
2004-09-07 - The farm will heal all my woes... and replace them with new, itchy ones.
2004-09-01 - No time.
2004-08-31 - Come with me to 1563...
2004-08-30 - Entering, but not breaking.
2004-08-26 - Festivale des deep-fried peasant bread
2004-08-25 - les eleves got nothing on moi, bebe!
2004-08-24 - Life is beautiful - shouldn't I attempt to return the compliment?
2004-08-23 - Yipes! I forgot how to work!
2004-08-14 - Woman - Predator, Alien, all-around butt-kicker.
2004-08-12 - Snuggle. Heh.
2004-08-11 - Warning: This entry is probably not very work-safe, but at least there aren't any pictures.
2004-08-10 - Itchy!
2004-08-10 - Weddings
2004-08-10 - Not right now, dear...
2004-08-09 - Clothes and Pennsic
2004-08-05 - This house is strictly for the birds...
2004-08-04 - Botox
2004-08-03 - De naiels, de fingres, de belbow...
2004-08-03 - Meh! Mehmehmehmehmehmeh!!!
2004-08-02 - Week ender
2004-07-29 - 'Tis a fine swimming pool, English, but sure 'tis no reality show.
2004-07-27 - Jim-billy-bob-bubba-jamestown...
2004-07-26 - It's not an update!
2004-07-22 - *squeeeeeeeek!*
2004-07-21 - President Zombie
2004-07-20 - Medical Transitory...
2004-07-20 - Pressed flat
2004-07-19 - swamped.
2004-07-15 - Free range
2004-07-14 - Shut UP, Brain!
2004-07-13 - I hate the songs that make the whole world cringe...
2004-07-12 - Life Stinks! (dah, dah, dah, daaaah...)
2004-07-08 - *whimper*
2004-06-30 - five-day-weekend! *drooooool*
2004-06-29 - Busy
2004-06-28 - TerminLaurel III - the smart-ass machines
2004-06-24 - *!!@##$! Computer!
2004-06-23 - Movies that don't suck
2004-06-22 - The Laurel is "in". Arts and Sciences help, 5 cents.
2004-06-21 - I'm safest under the covers...
2004-06-17 - Diet of Doom
2004-06-16 - Foooooooooood...
2004-06-15 - Tuesday - a day that will live in infamy (because it was so boring).
2004-06-14 - Curse your black heart, Rachel Ashwell!
2004-06-10 - Phone Sexpose (Warning! Scary truths ahead!)
2004-06-09 - The Picture of Dorian Mellin
2004-06-08 - Trees
2004-06-07 - Project mania
2004-06-03 - done!
2004-06-01 - Tuesday, June 1, 2004 - please, let this month be better.

January 2005 and on - What, you think this is funny?
The good, the bad, and the Tudor - June to December2004
Resolution to revelation - January to May 2004
The arse end of 2003-July to December
Bright eyed and bushy tailed - January to July, 2003
A mature voice emerges - 2002
The first nervous days - 2001

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